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I hate to admit it, but I was slow getting on board with Deafheaven’s debut Roads to Judah. I read lots of great stuff about the album and intended on buying it, but at the time I could only find it on iTunes and that’s always my last resort when it comes to buying music. To be clear, I do buy my digital music. I just prefer not to be shackled by restrictions on what I can do with the files.

Eventually I caved and bought the album from iTunes. After a few spins I liked what I heard, but wasn’t blown away. It was good, but not quite as mind altering as I was expecting it to be. Then around the fourth or fifth listen something clicked and all the hidden layers of the album started to reveal themselves. It was at that moment that I knew what everyone was talking about.

If you already are one of the converted, then you likely know the band have a new album called Sunbather dropping on June 11th via Deathwish Inc. and they posted a track from it called “Dream House” last week.

Deafheaven – Dream House (Listen/Download MP3 9:15)

There’s been a ton of buzz about Sunbather over the past couple of weeks, which has escalated even more now that everyone has heard “Dream House”. A large number of people have been commenting on how they didn’t get the band before, but after checking out “Dream House” they have a newfound appreciation for them. I also read a post at Metal Sucks complimenting the production of the track and how much better it sounds compared to Roads to Judah. I found that kind of odd. I’m quite picky myself when it comes to production values and I’ve never had a problem with how Roads to Judah sounds. Plus I don’t find that “Dream House” sounds that much different than Roads to Judah. Maybe I need new headphones.

No matter what, I’m glad people are digging it. Deafheaven are certainly deserving of the phase and I’m really looking forward to hearing the rest of the album next month.

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