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Instruments – New Songs & Shows

By January 24, 2011No Comments


I didn’t tell you about Instruments yet did I? Okay, then how does this sound? Experimental math-rock with a healthy dose of Pink Floyd ambiance, layered with electronic flourishes and built on a foundation of breakbeat influenced drumming. Still here? Thought so. Did I also mention it’s all bundled up with production that would make Steve Albini proud? But wait, there’s more good news. Over the past few months the band has posted three new singles on their website – all free to download.

The most recent being a re-recording of the song “Clock” from their National Laboratory album. The other two singles, “Reciting Another Man’s Mantra at the Museum of Science While Down the Hall the Library Door is Surreptitiously Unlocked” and “10 Chains” are both brand new compositions.

Have a listen to “Clock” below, then head over to to download all three. You will also find links to purchase their two albums National Laboratory and Nominal. I highly recommend both and they are available in a number of formats including 12″ vinyl with a CD. Or if you want to keep it digital, there’s an option to download them as well.

Instruments – “Clock” (MP3 – 05:31)

Also, if you pitch your tent anywhere near the east coast of Canada, the band will be playing a handful of shows in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island in mid- February. Check the live dates section on their site for more info.

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