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Live Music

Buried Inside a Basement

By August 28, 2009May 10th, 2013No Comments

Buried Inside - Truro 2009

I live in the woods. Therefore I usually have an hour plus drive on my hands to get home after checking out some live music. I don’t mind that, but sometimes it would be nice to be a little closer to the action. Well, a couple of evenings ago I was.

Buried Inside just did a tour through Atlantic Canada and decided to hit a basement that happened to be 10 minutes from my house. This would be my second time seeing the band. The first was in a slightly larger venue, but still a rather intimate setting. At that show, they shut all the lights out and played in complete darkness. They did the same this time, but being in a room the size of my kitchen and having roughly 15-20 people in attendance, made it a very unique setting. Pretty much like seeing them at my own house. Only without the inconvenience of neighbours complaining,  or a bunch of strangers hanging around.

The set mainly consisted of songs from Spoils of Failure. Which was fine by me. Through repeat listens over the past few weeks, it’s greatness has been revealing itself layer by layer. Definitely some highly recommended next level shit.

The band is headed to Europe soon with Relapse label mates Tombs. If you live across the ocean or anywhere else they happen to be playing in the near future, go see them now.

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